Laila Zaidan


ليلى زيدان



Here are some QSL cards Ahmad Zaidan sent or received during the years. Thanks to all, who contributed to this little collection!

Click the cards to enlarge, mouse over will show you call and year of the QSO.

YU3BC 1953
YU3BC 1953
DL2OA 1955
OE2JG 1955
YU3BC 1955
YU3BC 1955
DL3AO 1976
YU2DX 1977
WB3CFP 1978
YU2DX 1979
OE1KRW 1981
DF4FAP 1982
4O2WCY 1983
SM5BFJ 1984
XN3XN 1984
YU2AA 1986
YU2AA 1987
HZ1HZ frontside from Jedda
DL4FAP 1989
VE3CM 1995
VX3XN 1998